FEAR. It touches every single aspect of our lives. From the cradle to the grave no single human emotion causes so much unnecessary damage, and prevents so many people from tapping into their true potential to take control of their mind and create the lives of their dreams.
Now more than ever, it seems as if the media, many world leaders and shady corporate organizations are using all of their power to create a world filled with FEAR, doubt, anxiety, suspicion, anger and even terror so they can gain even more control over our lives, our freedoms and our livelihoods.
Fear hijacks our logical reasoning powers and causes us to revert to an earlier less evolved part of the brain that thinks purely in terms of survival. When FEAR is running the show everyone and everything is quickly processed as a potential threat to survival, subconscious decisions are made and behaviors are generated without our conscious knowledge. It all happens in the blink of an eye, before we can actually distinguish between genuine danger and irrational fear.
But what if you could control that process?
Some people ARE able to do this, in the most extreme life threatening situations. But how?
This has been my quest for the past six years. To find, interview, study with, learn from and TEST OUT the secret methods used by the most "fearless" human beings on earth.
Since I began my research I have personally interviewed, studied under, trained with, observed and spent hundreds of hours filming some of world's most amazing, talented and knowledgeable experts including:
Medal of Honor Recipients, US Army special forces soldiers, Airborne Rangers, Navy S.E.A.L.S., Marine Force Recon, DEA agents, world class skydivers, "freedivers" who swim with and hand feed sharks in the open ocean, venomous snake handlers and snake venom extractors, firewalkers and fire eaters, firemen, law enforcement officers, martial arts experts, suspension performers who hang their bodies from steel hooks, alligator wrestlers, bear trainers, big cat keepers, world famous bull riders, bullfighters, high rise construction and steel workers, hang glider and experimental aircraft pilots, spearfishemen, big wave surfers, rock climbers, near death survivors and heroes of all shapes and sizes.

Filming extreme highline walkers from the cliffs edge in Moab Utah.
This isn’t a “book about books” I have read. All the interviews and film are 100% authentic.
No one was paid for their interviews and the filming was done in real world conditions with no staging, no theatrical tricks or special effects. Everything is 100% genuine and real.
Not only have I studied these people and their methods first hand, I have participated in many ultra hazardous activities with them, risking my life again and again in order to get an authentic unfiltered look into their amazing world of mental and emotional control.
I have had a venomous Cobra strike my camera and leave its venom on my lens. I have had sharks bite at my GoPro and bump their noses into my face as I was filming underwater. I have climbed on top of buildings in New York City to film roof workers and window washers. I have filmed climbers from the edge of sheer granite slabs 1000 feet high in Yosemite, I have held a venomous rattlesnake in my bare hands, I have sat on the back of a 2000 pound raging bull. I jumped off a 300 foot cliff in Moab Utah with a rope, a camera strapped to my head and one in my hand. I wondered if that would be the day I pushed it too far!

I am currently interviewing the worlds leading experts; doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists and researchers to learn more about the science of fear and how it affects individuals, groups, families, teams, business, governments, society and our every day lives.
If you have any questions, ideas, input, interview suggestions or would like to be notified when the book will be released please enter your name and email in the form at the bottom of the main page.
Scott Goodknight

Interviewing world famous King Cobra handler Albert Killian in homestead Florida.